


Through the development of specific curriculum, 我们的“超前成长计划”的园艺计划不仅会教给学生与营养有关的课程, but also offer experience based learning about sustainability, 户外活动, 植物和动物. These will not only help develop the minds of our students, but will also help engage their bodies in physical activities. 我们期待着新的户外空间能够被我们的老师用来上课,比如运动, 音乐, 艺术, 科学, 教授生活技能. 


Nutritional Benefits of Hands-On Gardening 项目

When our students from the CCGC school p艺术icipate in planting and harvest days, they are receiving a hands-on STEAM (科学, 技术, 工程, 艺术和数学)教育. They p艺术icipate in activities ranging from planting seeds, 砍伐即食植物, 堆肥土壤, 准备食物, all while receiving lessons on topics like nutrition and plant biology. 虽然所有积极营养的直接好处都可以通过单独食用新鲜农产品来实现, research has shown that hands-on education, and specifically involvement all the way from seed to plate, leads to life-long good habits with food 和营养.

  • 直接的好处

    - Energy and healthy nutrition from eating fresh produce

  • 短期利益

    - Choosingly eating more plant-based foods
    - Increased interest in eating healthy foods

  • 长远利益

    - Lasting positive relationship to nutrition and food production
    - Decreased risk of developing an eating disorder
    - Decreased risk of obesity and other diet-related diseases



In order to grow the most nutrient dense possible food, we exclusively use composted organic soil to grow our vegetables in. 究其原因,科学已经表明,农业实践与气候变化有很大的联系, 土壤健康, 和营养. 为了保持有机土壤的健康, the only fertilizers we ever use on our plants are organic too. Composted soils are the most nutrient dense soils, because all of the broken down organic materials in them. 当你在这里种植植物, all the nutrients from the soil get transferred to the plants, which then get transferred to you when you eat the plants. All foods are at their most nutritious when they are unprocessed and fresh, 这就是为什么太阳城官网孩子们经常可以吃到我们花园里当天收获的新鲜农产品并带回家的原因.